An attempt is made to characterize a certain type of compound words with a sintagmatic structure similar to nominal syntactic groups. This is the N N, N A şi N di N formation, created in line with a model alien to the Roman languages (usually more relevant to the English or German languages). Nevertheless this model is very often met in the modern Italian language being somehow requested by the linguistic economy phenomenon. The purpose here is to observe the way these structures behave in the modern Italian language, to look at the morpho-syntactic and semantic peculiarities that place them in the category of compounds as well as their role in the dynamics of the contemporary Italian lexis. This is mostly met in new creations produced during the last decades both in the specialized and social literature. Very often this is the outcome of authors” creations in different works both local or influenced by foreign opera. Characteristic for these formations is the fact that they contain very expressive compounds able to transfer the semantic meaning. The latter, having certain metaphoric value, constitute the focus of the present article.